Fanshawe College provided an update on how things will be handled moving forward. Fanshawe President Peter Devlin says “We are building scenarios that would allow us to bring students to campus when it is required while continuing to provide course delivery online where possible.” The College is expected to be reopend later this summer in a limited capacity.Fanshawe provided updates on the winter, summer and fall semesters.
Students who need to complete in person classes, labs or placements for the winter semester will do so starting on July 20th. The makeup winter semester will last two weeks.
Students who started classes on May 5th will continue as planned with classes and exams finishing on August 21st. Face to face classes that were set to start in June will be moved to the fall semester.
Half of the full time programs will be delivered fully online with the other half being a mix of face to face and online delivery. The fall semester will begin September 21st and run till December 19th with no exam week. Exams will still take place but will not have a week dedicated to them.
The College received a lot of questions on their Facebook page in regards to the update, many of which recived replies.
Q: Will there still be campus and program orientations in september, where you get to meet your classmates in the same program?
A: One of the major downsides of the pandemic is the limited in-person interaction and contact everyone is experiencing. In order to stay safe, we have to stay distant. The College is already exploring ideas around virtual delivery of orientation and open house, but no plans have been announced yet.
Q: Will fees be adjusted to account for the items built in that students can no longer use? Like student fees, bus pass, any facility fees etc.
A: Yes student fees will be adjusted to reflect the items students cannot use. For example Summer 2020 full-time students were charged online student fees which does not include bus pass, wellness centre, etc.
Q: Will Co-op still happen for programs tha include a Co-op?
A: All Co-op 1020 and 1021 courses will be delivered online. We’re still waiting for details about how placements and work terms will be handled. More information should be coming in the next few weeks, and we will make sure to share it when we know more.
Q: Will there be exams in the summer semester?
A: Yes, if your course outline includes exams as a method for demonstrating that you’ve met the learning outcomes. If you’re not sure, check with your professor.
Q: Will you be reimbursing students who have paid a down payment for residence for september?
A: Yes, students will have the ability to request a refund of their deposit for Residence should they wish to withdraw their application due to their program moving online.
Q: Will students be allowed to stay on residence in September?
A: We’ve asked, and we’re waiting for confirmation. We will post again when we get an answer.
Student feedback:
Dylan Colthirst is a first-year student in the Music Industry Arts program he voiced his dislike of online learning. “I hate it. It makes it harder to keep track of things. The real life interactions with the professors make it easier for me to stay engaged. It also helps me to keep track of due dates and whats expected of me.”
Jessie Doupe is a studying Human Resources at Fanshawe. She shared her concerns on the Colleges facebook page. “I just did half of my last term online and I struggled with it. There are lots of people who prefer to do it in class and now will be forced to do it online? I understand the health aspects but you also have to consider people’s learning struggles as well. Not everyone can do online”
Luke Kapusty is a first-year student in the Autobody repair techniques program. Originally his program was supposed to run through the summer, but it will now start in the fall. This was his response to the change. “Im glad it’s come to this. I wasn’t looking forward to having an entire semester crammed in to a month and a half.”
Details regarding specific programs and how they will be delivered come the fall will be communicated to students by May 28th. For the latest updates from the College click here.