Trains can be constantly heard going through London. They cause motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians to stop and wait. They can be annoying, however, there are few bypasses in London that help the flow of traffic.
Although these bypasses are helpful, it’s still not enough. There are still several roads that still have the tracks running through them, including Adelaide Street.
The City of London plans to construct an underpass on Adelaide Street North, near Central Avenue, where the Canadian Pacific Rail (CPR) tracks are located.
“We will be building a new bridge, and lowering the roadway…it’s an expensive project, but an important project that will improve the safety for that crossing,” says division manager of transportation and design for The City of London, Garfield Dales.
Some of the key components of this underpass include:
- 1.2 km of new facilities for cyclists and pedestrians
- Multi-use paths on both sides of Adelaide Street
- cycling lane connections
“There are close to 30,000 vehicles a day that travel on Adelaide…obviously this will help reduce delays and the idling associated with waiting,” says Dales.
Dales says the detailed design phase and property acquisition for the project are currently underway, with construction planned to begin between 2021-2022.