Recently there have been many tornado watches and warnings around the London area, but do you know what to do in a situation where a tornado is involved?
Darin Dees is the Disaster Management Coordinator in the London area with the Canadian Red Cross, and he says that people may not know what the difference between a tornado watch and a tornado warning are.
“A tornado watch means that a tornado is possible in our area, and so you’re basically supposed to stay alert and watch for more information. But, a tornado warning is much more severe, it means that a tornado has already occurred or will occur soon, and you should consider evacuating if you’re advised to do so.”
Knowing what to do in a severe weather watch, especially a tornado, is crucial when it comes to protecting yourself, your family, or even your pets. Everyone is going to be in a different spot during a tornado, so knowing what to do in all situations is important. Dees says if you’re outside, try and get inside of a building to take cover. If you can’t get inside of a building, lie in a low spot, for example, a ditch. If you have a vehicle, Dees explains what you can do.
“If you’re outside, not near a building, one option is to get in a vehicle and put on a seat belt.”
Dees also suggests driving in a 90 degree angle to avoid tornadoes if they are coming towards you.
Knowing what to do when you are inside is just as important. Just because you are indoors, does not mean you are protected from a tornado. Dees explains what you should do.
“The lower you can get, the better. The basement is definitely the prefered choice if you have a basement. If you don’t have a basement, any interior hall, away from windows in particular is the best choice.”
In the case of a tornado, if you are unsure if one is coming, Darin Dees gives examples of what you can spot that may indicate a tornado is coming:
- dark, often green, orange-gray skies
- large hail
- dark, low-lying, funnel shaped clouds
- roaring noises
If these examples are something you have noticed, Dees suggests taking cover immediately.
If you are affected by a tornado, you can call the Red Cross for assistance. Or you can download the Red Cross’ app called “Be Ready” that gives you notifications and information on disasters in your area.