In front of the biggest crowd ever for a London city council meeting, our new Councillors were sworn in. Each gave their pledge to the oath of office in front of hundreds of citizens packed in at the convention center. Ward 7 Councillor Josh Morgan took the words of the oath to heart.
“The thing that everyone wants to be careful about is, we want to get it right. We really means those words, we’ve all read over the oath of office before and it’s something each of us take very seriously.”
The meeting was filled with a few speeches from MP Ed Holder via his assistant, MPP Hon Deb Matthews and our new Mayor Matt Brown. In his speech our new mayor had many points to cover including keeping the youths in the city.
“We can build a future not just for us but for our children and our grandchildren as well so they can live across the city not across the country.”
But the partying will be short lived as they have their first committee meeting on Tuesday, in what looks like a very busy agenda for our new council.