With the continued success of the London Knights, local businesses in downtown London are reaping the benefits. Local pubs, in particular, are seeing increased customer traffic and sales when the London Knights win or play.
XFM News spoke with Mark Dencev, owner of The Richmond Tavern, a self-proclaimed dive bar located at 370 Richmond St. in London, to discuss how the London Knights have benefited his pub.
“We get a lot of people popping in for drinks just before the games,”
Dencev said. “The consistent Friday nights and the fact that the games are always on Fridays is definitely a big plus. We also have live music on those nights. So often, people come in for a pint before the game and then stick around to enjoy some live music afterwards, making a night of it.”
XFM then asked Dencev if there are any months or events involving the London Knights that bring in more or fewer customers. “You usually see a bit of a jump in business at the beginning of the season. Everybody’s excited to have the Knights back,” he explained.
“Then, you see it again during the playoffs. When the playoffs start, the excitement levels go back up. Everybody wants to make sure the game is on the TVs in the bar, and the energy is definitely higher during the playoffs.”
XFM News spoke with Barbara Maly, executive director of Downtown London, to gain further insight into the impact the London Knights have on the city.
“Certainly, they have a tremendous impact on our business community here in downtown,” Maly said. “Canada Life Place brings between 600,000 and 700,000 people to our downtown each year, which adds more feet to the street.”
Maly added, “Our restaurants, pubs, cafes, and even some of our entertainment-based businesses benefit from Knights games, as well as concerts, theatre productions, and other family events at Canada Life Place.”
The success of the London Knights continues to have a positive ripple effect on the city’s downtown businesses. From local pubs to entertainment venues, the team’s consistent games and events at Canada Life Place contribute significantly to the area’s vibrant economy.