Zyns have become a popular alternative of nicotine delivery similar to vaping and smoking.
This comes after the federal government was called on to implement stricter regulations towards nicotine products.
Officials expect the Ontario government to follow suit with British Columbia who put in place regulations that limit nicotine pouches to be sold only behind the counter.
The issue, just like the others, is that Zyns have become accessible to children as they just have to go to a convenience store like Circle K to get them.
Two Fanshawe students who use Zyns as an alternative to vaping gave their opinion on what changes could be made to the product to keep it out of the hands of children.
“Mint flavor and colorful packaging, even if it’s a berry flavor, just have it in plain packaging and keep the advertising less for kids,” says Fanshawe student Pierson Graham.
With how easy it is to get them, officials say parents should be concerned as convenience stores have them on display along with big advertisement in store and through media.
“I think they need to scare them off a little, maybe add something to the packaging like what is in them,” says Nick Tarullo who is also a Fanshawe student who uses Zyns.
Tarullo adds that he thinks that the pouches shouldn’t have even come across the border.
Sources say that Ottawa is expected to give comments about the issue in the coming days.