The London’s Food Bank has seen more and more students coming to their doors to seek help this year compared to last year. Jane Roy the Co – Executive Director of the London Food Bank has seen the differences.
“The number of students that are needing our assistance. We have seen a 43% increase overall in people coming to the food bank from this year to last year. We’ve never been busier.” Roy said
The London Food Bank has opened up their doors on Saturday just for students.
“We had opened up Saturdays for students to come 10 to 10 to 12, but they are already so busy that students basically come throughout the course of Monday to Friday and Saturday. We’re qualitatively seeing more and more.” Roy added.
Emma Vavitz, a staff member of the London Food Bank, has seen more of Fanshawe’s students coming in with their ID more so than Western through their database.
“When I am on the computer, I’m not on the computer all of the time but the demographic that I see coming through the door is a lot of international students, especially from Fanshawe. I don’t tend to see too many students from Western, but I see lots of Fanshawe student cards coming through our doors and that number continues to rise with the new school year.” Vavitz said.
It’s not just domestic students that are having problems with the rise of their grocery bill but it is also international students that seek help as well.
The London Food Bank is doing more to help those in need especially with the rise of students coming into their facilities. However, they have been telling Fanshawe students to go to the Fanshawe Student Union to seek aid for groceries and toiletries since they also have their own program called The Sharing Shop.