Spring is finally here and as seasons change, life tends to get a lot easier for many people, specifically people who struggle with homelessness.
Springtime is a joyful season when many people start to go outside more and enjoy the weather, but there are other people who do not have a shelter and did not get to choose whether to stay in or go outside during the winter time. Rachel Kent, is the campaign director of project hope, says her team is dedicated to help people who struggle with homelessness during any weather and under any conditions. She explains how much of a positive impact springtime has on the workers, volunteers, and the homeless as well. “Spring is the time of hope when the weather begins to get warmer, and we do not have to worry about frostbites.” Rachel said. Rachel’s team is on the streets most of the day helping people who struggle with homelessness and need food, clothes, and shelter, which makes it harder for them to work during the freezing winter weather. Rachel also added that spring has a strong positive impact on people in general, not just homeless people. She says that spring brings joy and happiness to everyone especially after a long, heavy winter. Rachel loves speaking to the people her team helps in order to assist them with their mental health. She thinks that mental health is the main factor for anybody’s success.
Rachel says the only issue with spring time is that most funds and donations decrease, as people tend to donate more during the winter time. She urges everyone reading this to help in any way they can, as all types of donations can make a difference for them. You can access Project Hope Facebook account at Project Hope London. Their Facebook account had updates on what material they needed and how to reach them in order to donate.
This is an example of the needs of a family that has finally moved into an apartment!