We’re in the middle of summer and the weather is still consistently hot. While the weather is nice, a popular activity is getting out and about with your pets. While pets enjoy car rides, when they are left alone in a car that is shut off, they experience it differently than humans do.
“Animals actually live at a different temperature. They react differently to temperature than we do. So when we think it’s hot in the car, it’s even worse for a pet. And then the lack of oxygen and such that’s inside of the vehicle is just very dangerous for their breathing and their bodies,” says Steve Ryall, the executive director of the Humane Society London and Middlesex.
When it’s hot outside, Ryall recommends finding other activities to do with your pet that will still stimulate their brains the same way a walk or car ride would.
“Be smart and say, ‘you know what puppies, you need to stay home’. If it’s hot out and they still need that exercise, work in the basement if you can or any kind of cool area. Dogs are stimulated by interaction as well. So come up with fun games. One thing our little guy likes is we put some of his kibble inside of a water bottle. He figures out now that he just turns his head to the left, it falls out. But he has a really fun time running around with it and throwing it down trying to get the kibble out.”
If a dog is locked in a car in a parking lot, there are a few things that can be done to help.
“The first thing that’s recommended is to try and locate the owner. If they’re in a parking lot, maybe go into the store and make an announcement to let someone know that it’s happening. If there’s not an instant response and you see signs of heatstroke, which could include excessive panting or drooling, confusion, vomiting, collapsing, or having a seizure, the rule is to call the police. So you would dial 911 and report that.”
Another thing to keep in mind when walking your furry friend in the summer is the temperature of the pavement. If it’s too hot to touch for you, it will be just as hot on your pet’s paw pads.
“If you go on a walk and you notice that they’re not enjoying it, stay on the grass and spend as little time as possible on those hard surfaces. That’s better for the animal anyway and their joints.”