Temperatures have finally started to warm up, meaning many people are taking the opportunity to head to garden centers around the city and start planning their summer gardening projects.
“As those spring temperatures really start to set in and people’s minds are on the garden,” said Miranda, an employee at Van Luyk Garden Centre.
Van Luyk has seen an increase in customers and expects upwards of 30 customers a day starting April with the peak being May 24 weekend, which Miranda said is “when we can count on not having any frost anymore”.
While it might be tempting to rush into planting, Miranda reminds gardeners that some plants are better suited for the current weather, “We’ve got a ton of pansies. They’re looking gorgeous and they have more frost tolerance than other typical annual flowers.”
As for vegetables Miranda suggests onions, lettuce, kohlrabi, and kale are best for those chilly mornings since the risk of frost remains.
“It’s kind of fun after this winter to see flowers that are ready to go in the ground,” said Marianne, one customer on the quest to buy pansies at the Garden Centre.
After London endured a total of 211 centimeters of snow this winter people are more than happy to start planning their summer projects and luckily Van Luyk is here to educate people and assist with any gardening needs.
“We love to talk to customers, we’re plant enthusiasts, there’s nothing that we love more than sharing our knowledge”.