Source: XFM/Daniel Hernandez
It is not uncommon for the parking meters at Fanshawe to sometimes have errors. Like any other technology there are always risks of a malfunction, or a glitch occurring and anything else that would prevent the machines to function properly. Fanshawe students have voiced the issues they have had with parking meters. However, Fanshawe college’s parking office manager, Marion Dietze explains that not many concerns have been brought up to their attention by students.
It seems that students who do have problems with the parking meters at the college are not reporting the issues with Fanshawe’s parking office. Students do have some concerns though with the whole parking situation at the school.
“I don’t think it’s clearly listed when you are outside of paid parking hours, so you never know if you’re supposed to park or not,” says one Fanshawe student Lucas Dobson.
“If you’re going to have parking meters. Make sure they’re serviced properly, and they’re maintained so they don’t break down,” says another Fanshawe student Konstantinos Drossos.
Most of the time the college has no control over whether a parking meter will work properly or not. Many different factors come into play. The weather could ruin the machine, the incorrect card could be used to pay and then the payment won’t go through, there could be a server issues between the bank and the meter.
“If there’s a paper jam, then the receipt issue of how it comes out, but overall, I don’t know of a real issue that students are having that we have all kinds of students reaching out to us or the parking attendants out in the field saying that they have an issue,” says Dietze.
Parking is enforced at Fanshawe College from 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays. There is also a parking pass available only for students who live outside of London. This allows them to park in the reserved parking lots.
Dietze suggest that if for some reason the parking meter is not working as it should, then students should look for the closest available parking meter and pay there. Once the payment goes through, there is no need for a receipt as once the license plate is in the system that’s all that matters.