The Ontario government has invested $529 million over 3 years into creating HART hubs to help those who are suffering from homelessness, mental health or addiction. On Monday January 27 a press conference was held at the CMHA in London where the Minister of Health, Sylvia Jones announced a new HART hub or Homelessness and Addiction Recovery Treatment hub location for London. The new hub will be at the CMHA Thames Valley. This is just one of the 18 news hubs announced to be built across the province.
“Our government recognises Ontarians deserve more than a healthcare system that provides them with tools to use illegal drugs, and today we are taking the next step to help more people get the treatment and support they need. To break the cycle of addiction and take steps on the road to recovery,” said Jones.
Those 18 Hart hubs are in addition to the already announced nine drug injection sites that will become HART hubs. This would bring the total to 27 new hubs in Ontario. It is planned for the hubs to be built by April 1, 2025.
Locations of the 18 new HART hubs:
- CMHA Thames Valley (London)
- Fourcast – Four Counties Addictions Services Team (Peterborough)
- CMHA Peel Dufferin (Brampton)
- Health Sciences North/ Horizon Santé Nord (Greater Sudbury)
- The HART of Simcoe (Barrie)
- Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare (Windsor)
- CMHA Hastings and Prince Edward County (Belleville)
- Durham Community Health Centre (Oshawa)
- CMHA Algoma (Sault Ste. Marie)
- Services and Housing in Province (Dufferin County)
- Lanark, Leeds and Grenville Addictions and Mental Health (Lanark, Leeds and Grenville)
- Oxford Ontario Health Team (Oxford County)
- County of Renfrew (Renfrew County)
- Gateway of Niagara (Niagara)
- CMHA Lambton Kent Sarnia (Sarnia)
- Pinecrest Queensway Community Health Centre (Ottawa)
- Kenora Chiefs Advisory (Kenora)
- Maamwesying (Sault Ste. Marie)
There are already two functioning hubs in London, one on 200 Queens Avenue and the other on 648 Huron Street.
Mayor Josh Morgan was also present at the press conference and explained how the HART hubs are only one way the government is helping and supporting those who need it most.
“We are talking about helping a segment of the homeless population. It is not the only thing we are doing, but we have a segment of the homeless population that has very high needs,” said Morgan
“If we invest in them and help them get off the streets and into supportive housing, it can pay dividends elsewhere. But we also know that there are people who are homeless because they simply cannot find the type of housing that they can afford in this community,” added Morgan.