The results for London’s Neighbourhood Decision Making vote is in.
After having over 110 projects submitted for the vote, 15 have been decided as the winners.
This year, Londoners cast 12,229 votes to decide what neighbourhood projects would be receiving funding, a 23 per cent increase in votes compared to the 2022 program.
“City staff are excited to work with residents to bring the winning ideas to life over the next year, including new ways to enjoy the outdoors, play and build social connections throughout London.” says Jennifer Martino, Manager of Neighbourhood Development and Support with the city of London.
“Thank you to every Londoner who submitted an idea, big or small, and to voters for supporting their neighbours.”
The vote is designed to distribute $250-thousand in city funding, with each of London’s five marked areas set to receive $50-thousand each.
Votes were cast online, in-person and over the phone from November 13 to 18. Each project is set to be assigned up to $30-thousand of support as needed.
Winning projects include:
Outdoor Exercise Equipment in Gibbons Park: $30,000
Dog Accessible Water Fountain in Victoria Park: $20,000
Boardwalk Installation and Trail Signs in Medway Environmentally Significant Area: $30,000
Tree Planting at St. Nicholas Catholic School: $5,000
Picnic Tables in Sherwood Forest Park: $13,000
London’s Free Fruit: Creating a Culture of Sharing at St. Aidan’s Church: $2,000
Outdoor Naturalized Play Space at Northbrae Public School: $30,000
Outdoor Naturalized Play Space at Louise Arbour French Immersion Public School: $20,000
Upgrades for Talbot Village Community Outdoor Ice Rink: $2,000
London’s Free Fruit: Creating a Culture of Sharing in Grand View Park: $5,000
Outdoor Movie Equipment in Byron: $15,600
Half Basketball Court in Jesse Davison Park: $27,400
Benches and Picnic Tables at East Lions Park: $15,000
Water Bottle Refill Station in Kiwanis Park: $30,000
Commemorative Buddy Benches at Princess Anne French Immersion: $5,000
All 15 winning projects will be implemented by the end of 2024.
“Thinking ahead to the role that international students can play in a program like this,” says Martino on what she is hoping to see next year.
“We know international students bring very valuable and unique perspectives from their lived experience all over the world. If there’s an international student that thinks of something that they’ve seen work really well in their community that they think would be really good for Londoners, I really hope they submit those ideas during next year’s round of neighbourhood decision making.