A London family, which wants to remain anonymous, is the first contributor to a fundraiser announced today by London mayor Josh Morgan at RBC Place London. The fund will be used to improve the health and London’s homeless problem and will be shared by 70 organizations under the Health and Homelessness Community Organization umbrella.
“The family has made, over the last several years, significant donations to charities and groups that are working to assist the homeless and disadvantaged in our community,” says Marcus Plowright, main volunteer of the program.
“The Health and Homelessness summit is a working strategy group of a number of different agencies within the city of London,” says Season Bieronski, the Manager of Housing Services at London Cares.
The charities and groups around London have been working on creating the strategy for a transformation of a system since November.
We have 200 Londoners from all walks of life that are involved in this file and 60 organizations that have been working for three months to come up with an action plan,
says Plowright
The new fund is a collective response to the degrading homelessness situation in the city and organizers hope to attract additional donations from the province and Ottawa.
“We hatched the plan together with the donor family to make a much more significant donation to use it to leverage change that coincides with the outcome of the summit process,” comments Plowright.
“We believe that the best thing we can do is to inspire others to give, use it as a basis to attract municipal, provincial and federal funds,” adds Plowright.
The donor family is also encouraging other Londoners to give by matching up to $5,000,000 in other donations.
“This donation will be game changing for the city of London. It will certainly boost the community organizations and the work that is already ongoing in the city. And will strengthen our response to be able to reach more individuals,” says Bieronski