A bundle of supplements that anyone who goes to the gym may use.
When it comes to the gym, you can do all the right workouts, and eat the best you can. But sometimes you just are not able to hit your goal. That is when supplements can help you reach the goal you are looking to achieve. Supplements are used in order to help individuals reach their goals for certain compounds like creatine, or in order to hit a protein goal for the day.
Ali Aamer is a Fanshawe student who has been going to the gym for over 2 years now, and uses supplements in order to help him reach the physique he wants and is working towards. “So the main one I would say is creatine, creatine has really helped. I do eat a lot of meats anyways, but creatine gives you that extra boost. Other than that, mostly you know, Protein. I’ve been taking a lot of protein powder in like smoothies and stuff, that main reason being I don’t get enough food intake in on a daily basis I have trouble eating.” Ali says that with using the protein powder, it has helped him build muscle mass that he wouldn’t have been able to build with just eating meat on its own.
While taking creatine, your body draws water into the muscle cells, which is what helps build the muscle. “what I have noticed and I stopped taking creatine for a little bit like I had stopped working out in general especially when the gyms closed this last lockdown they had I just kind of cut it cut everything out for a little bit I noticed all the mass I had built, with my shoulders, my thighs, you know chest everything like that I noticed it slowly started to go away.” When taking time away from working out and cutting out creatine, the body gets rid of all the excess water weight that it was holding onto.
With supplements being products that anyone can use, it’s a great way to help your body reach the max potential that it can work at, but they do not always have to be used. “You don’t need supplements, right? You can use supplements, you know, but at the end of the day, you don’t need them because your body’s still going to grow as long as you’re eating right and doing everything properly.” Supplements are supposed to be used to reach goals and daily intakes that individuals would not reach if they didn’t use them.
When looking to get into supplements, make sure to do research in order to find the right supplements for your needs.