Source: Fanshawe
It is fair to say that most people did not list a global pandemic as part of their 5-year plan when organizing their life before 2020.
Being a fresh graduate out of college has been known to have difficulties in finding jobs. However, Fanshawe is reporting co-op rates for the pandemic year have been higher than expected.
Darlene O’Neill is the Director of Employment and Student Entrepreneurial Services at Fanshawe College who is excited to support every student in their employment journey.
“We’ve also partnered with Knighthunter and London Economic Development Corporation, and Western. So all the London tech jobs and London manufacturing jobs that LEDC has coming into their job portal, are now automatically funnelled out to us and to Western to make sure that our students have access to them on one site so that they can go directly to our Fanshawe Job site and access jobs.”
O’Neill has been impressed with the results from the virtual transition support through Fanshawe for student employment. With an anticipated 18,000 students gaining jobs, over 19,000 students are maintaining success in the world of employment in the pandemic.
In transitioning support to online, resources for Fanshawe students’ success in the workplace include workshops, virtual networking events, and mentorship programs that have expanded exponentially with more industry mentors and peer mentors.
Incoming International students are also being supported in finding employment in Canada through hosting Fanshawe Works virtually. As of recent, over 600 students have attended as Fanshawe continues to host events and drop-in sessions for students to explore resources and help for job opportunities.
“We’re doing really well, our students are sought after in the local economy and in Southwestern Ontario. We have students all across Canada now, doing their co-op all around the globe. We’ve been very successful, and we’re also accessing a number of co-op financial support for employers to hire students.” says O’Neill, as the Federal government offers funding support available to employers to help with hiring students.
With a lot of help and creativity happening in support of students being able to find employment, Fanshawe wants students to be aware of all opportunities and resources available at their computer screen.
Students are encouraged to check out the Career and Co-op resources tab available online for access to events, recorded workshops, job postings, and volunteer positions.
“We’re here to help, and we’re here to support every student.”