The concept of Wi-Fi on Go Transit isn’t a new one. In 2018 it was announced that Go Transit would test Wi-Fi service on two GO Trains and four GO buses. After successful testing it was announced last year that they would roll out the new feature starting this spring.
“More than 80 per cent of GO customers named Wi-Fi as their most desired amenity, and our government is committed to make life easier for the people of Ontario by keeping commuters connected throughout their journey,” said Caroline Mulroney, Minister of Transportation.
GO Transit has now reached full Wi-fi integration on all of their buses and 50 percent of their Trains. Metrolinx has signed an agreement with Icomera Canada Inc. in order to provide access to a user friendly portal called GO Wi-Fi Plus.
“We are so excited to bring GO Wi-Fi Plus to our customers on our buses and trains.” Said Metrolinx President and CEO Phil Verster. “With hundreds of entertainment options to choose from, GO Wi-Fi Plus is more than just Wi-Fi, and will make the onboard experience even more convenient and enjoyable for customers,”
The portal will give users unlimited access to TV shows, audiobooks, e-books, music, podcasts and more. Customers will have access to 10 MB of data per trip. Riders that sign in with registered Presto accounts will receive 50 MB per trip. Accessing GO Wi-Fi plus content doesn’t count towards the data limit.
Full roll out of GO Wi-Fi plus is expected to be completed in early 2021.