PC versus Mac has been a debate for as long as computers have been around. which computer is right for you though? As one best buy employee explains it depends on what you want your computer to do, as he explains that macs can be better if you are doing certain work
“Mac is very directed in what they do. it’s more built for a professional environment for things like audio recording and video editing and things like that.”
This employee also explains why there are some benefits to PC as well as good things about PC as well. “PC has a wide landscape of things they can handle like gaming and opening other avenues with coding for things that work with android, and PC is also more customizable with the different things you can use it for or put on a PC.”
As is always the case when it comes to computers, there is always a risk to computer safety and this employee explains which of the two brands of computer is safer. “Apple is less likely to get any kind of viruses but they do exist for sure, because PC they have so much of the landscape they have and have more business than apple the risk is greater for viruses on PC.”
Most college students will, of course, need a laptop for their schoolwork and there is one kind of laptop that works best for students.
An employee at the Source at Masonville Mall, Addison Johnson gives his thoughts on the advantages of using a mac. “So one of the MacBooks advantages is that it is a lot faster some computers (HP or Acer), There both fast but the mac is more complete for work and there is more coding involved in PC and the cloud is also better on the Mac.”
Despite Macs being more expensive, Johnson feels this doesn’t sway people away from buying Apple products. ” No, Apple has a very loyal fan base, so they will always go to mac because they are good products 99 percent of the time.”