Changing programs at Fanshawe college is a big thing in the first couple weeks of school. It’s a time when a lot of young students are going off to school and leaving there family and going to live on their own. You will find a lot of students changing programs because it wasn’t what they were expecting or maybe the work load is to much for them. Their can be multiple reasons behind someone changing programs.
I spoke with Kate Day who is the Admissions and Pathway Advisor at Fanshawe college and she said “that its very busy right now with students wanting to change programs.” If your wanting to change you can go to E1012 to the registrar until the 10th day of classes on September 16th.
She said some reasons she hears is that the student felt pressured into their program and it really wasn’t what they wanted to do as much as what someone else wanted them to do, she also said a lot of the time it can even be the student isn’t ready to take the next step in their life with going to school and may need to take some more time off before heading off to school. It can also be what they have going on outside of school with family and their personal life that may pull them away from school for now.
If your feeling like you want to change programs your not the only one as many people can’t decide what they want to do right away. Some students do know exactly what they want to do with their lives and for some it may take a little longer which is okay, if you have to change programs once or even twice to get to where you want to be that’s fine because at least in the end you know its what you want to do instead of staying in something you don’t like.
Fanshawe College does their best to make it an easy and stress free process to change programs. One big thing though is whatever you want to change into will not be a guarantee that you will get into it. After the school year has started some programs are fully set and full so unless someone else were to switch or dropout you would have to wait for your next opportunity.