Calls to remove the chemical from London’s water supply have been growing in recent years and city hall is due to hold public inquiries about whether or not to keep it in drinking water. The meeting will feature Middlesex London Health Unit representatives and Dr. Chris Mackie who has been an outspoken advocate for public health and Fluoride in drinking water. Groups opposed to the chemical being used in public utilities are expected to present at city hall as well. Health officials and researchers have stated that much of the ‘science’ supporting fluoride removal is deep within the realm of conspiracy theories and slanted information.
Lara Timler will be representing Fanshawe College and Dental Hygienists in London and will be advocating for the safety of using fluoride and hopes to debunk many of the myths surrounding fluoride.

Children are most affected by tooth decay and can be especially damaging to individuals whose permanent teeth are still developing. Fluoride helps to strengthen tooth enamel and exists in our water supplies at beyond harmless levels.
She says that studies being cited by these opposition groups are cherry picked and being used to “confirm their own beliefs” and that these groups are “looking at the science with an agenda.” Dental Fluorosis is a condition that many anti Fluoride campaigners will point to as a negative consequence of drinking fluoridated water. doing a quick google search will confirm that dental Fluorosis is caused by over exposure to fluoride. Timler confirms that this is indeed a condition caused by over fluoridation of drinking water. However, Timler points out that this only happens in areas where fluoride ,which is a naturally occurring mineral, exists in local water supplies at high levels. Timler said that in neither the united states or Canada would you be able to find drinking water sources like this.

Cases of dental fluorosis are extremely rare in Canada. Public health officials say that cases of the condition are over stated by anti fluoride groups.
Water Fluoridation is a contentious issue in London Ontario, recent trends in municipalities around the country have been to remove the chemical from public drinking water. Health Canada has called adding fluoride into public drinking water one of the most important interventions in the past 70 years. Municipalities that have removed fluoride have been seeing the consequences of doing so. Recently the city of Windsor voted to add fluoride to their drinking water after seeing a spike in child tooth decay. children are most at risk for tooth decay in areas where fluoride is not added to community water sources. tooth decay can lead to severe health problems later in life. Timler says the introduction of fluoride in drinking water has saved approximately 100 dollars in dental costs for every one dollar spent on water fluoridation.
Council will be informed on the two stances tomorrow night.