The Downtown London Business Association (LDBA) and MainStreet London took the heat at the Annual General Meeting.
The meeting was halted – before they were able to finish presenting their powerpoint for the 2019 budget – when a very generic budget chart was displayed on the screen.
Despite the boards request for ‘questions only’ during the meeting, countless merchants were fighting back explaining to the board that they deserved a well written, detailed budget chart. Dr. Josephine Pepe from Old North Optometry was expecting a line by line chart “Were the members, the membership should have access to that information” she compares Downtown London to other annual general meetings “The AGMs I’ve been to for public boards have always had a detailed budget.”
Downtown business merchants reject the boards budget for 2019 and challenge a new slate of directors. Dr. Pepe saw this coming “Michael Lerner did speak about the fact that the merchants had certain requests and that Downtown London denied them, so I knew there was going to be some contention.”
Although, LDBA board chair Gerald Gallacher was surprised by the uprise in chaos “I wasn’t expecting this much confusion we’ve had relatively smooth AGMs in the past.” but he is not concerned “We’ll give the members what they want, were open to suggestions and we have nothing to hide so we’ll show them what it is.”
Gallacher says that he wants to see more interactive meetings like this.