Eight years ago, Christina Tischler knew that she wanted to start her own business, where she makes her own jewelry. But, three years ago, she became a full time entrepreneur doing what she loves, while being able to be a stay at home mom for her two daughters.
Tischler makes her own jewelry, but to a much further extent than some. She takes raw sheet metal, sheers the bracelets into the proper width, and then she grinds, polishes, and hand-stamps each piece with names and inspirational quotes.
Christina also does all of this work completely by herself. And the pieces that can be made are unimaginable. From bracelets, to necklaces, rings, to key-chains and more.
But being an entrepreneur and hand making everything herself means that there are hardships that come along with it.
“The biggest challenge is just putting yourself out there. It’s putting a piece of you into the world that you’ve created. And just the stigma associated with if they’ll like it, is it going to be good enough for them? I’ve always tried to make my best work and deliver that.”
Tischler adds that quite often she’s very hard on herself as she wants to make certain that every piece that is created for her customers is flawless. She adds that she has a whole pile in her work space area of now scrap pieces because while she was stamping she slightly messed up and she decided to start over and start from scratch because she wants that perfection on every piece.
But aside from the small challenges that Tischler faces, it has become more than just creating jewelry, and has become making pieces that will inspire every individual who wear the jewelry with the quotes stamped in.
“My favourite quote is ‘She believed she could, so she did’, and so I put that on a lot of my pieces, and I just find that putting inspiring pieces into the world inspires others. And I just get a lot of joy out of that.”
Tischler puts many different quotes, especially on her bracelets, including ‘Be YOU tiful‘, ‘Every flower must grow through dirt‘, and even ‘Have courage and be kind‘.
Apart from trying to help others feel more inspired, doing these pieces, and becoming an entrepreneur has changed Christina as a person in the best way possible.
“It makes me more positive feeling. It’s a really nice feeling knowing that people like your work enough to wear it on their person. A lot of people wear it every single day and don’t take it off, and I hear a lot of positive feedback that way, so just the inspiration.”
Working just outside of London, Tischler gets requests for jewelry on her Facebook, Instagram, Etsy and her website. She adds that it’s so important to buy from local artists who have their own businesses because everything ends up coming back into the community.