The Minister of Small Business and Tourism visited the Forest city to talk about the 2016 federal budget. Minister Bardish Chagger was joined by MP Peter Fragiskatos at the BMO centre on rectory street to talk to Londoners about what they can expect from the federal budget.
That’s good news for small and local businesses
The new budget plans to allocate 50 million dollars to the industrial research assistance program (IRAP) as just some of the ways the government intends to kick start the economy.
“We are encouraging our startups to scale up, and that’s somewhere we’ve had a bit of a gap” says the rookie Minister from Waterloo. “The best part about (the budget) is that we recognize that the potential is there”.
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This is only one big change that’s coming from the feds.
Minister Chagger also highlighted the governments commitment to becoming more accessible and transparent. this means updating how people interact with the government, modernizing how the government gets work done, and by building a bigger social media presence”(social media) allows us to move vicariously through each other..these experiences that we are going through are yours as well” says Chagger
Environment and Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna is one example of the governments growing online presence by regularly using Snapchat to document her activities