Amir Farahi’s campaign office will not be in a building with signs up to make it recognizable.
No, Farahi went a different route. Creating what looks to be, the only “mobile campaign office” in London.
“It’s sometimes hard to raise that much money to open up a campaign office, but we really wanted one,” says the 19-year-old candidate. “So we thought, ‘why not say we’re going to have our campaign office on a bus?'”
The bus is coming from the London Transit Commission through their charter service. Farahi says the LTC has nothing to do with the idea and that it’s not an endorsement.
“I just think the LTC is symbolic. A lot of the focus of the campaign, when we’ve talked about transit, has to do with the LTC,” he says.
The “Farahi Express” will run on election day, Oct. 27, to shuttle ward 6 voters to and from polling stations.